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Support Group

Chem-E-Car Competition

Poster Competition
Safety Inspection


Friday, March 31st



6 – 8pm
Set-up at 5:45pm


3480 McTavish St.
Montreal, QC H3A 0E7
McGill SSMU Ballroom

Room 301, 3rd Floor

The Chem-E-Car Poster Competition allows each team to present their car's design to a panel of judges in the form of a poster. This poster should describe how the car is powered by the chemical reaction, the unique features of the car, and environmental and safety features in the design. Appropriate documentation on the design and testing of your vehicle must be available for inspection by the judges at the poster competition. All teams competing in the Chem-E-Car Performance Competition must present a poster at the Chem-E-Car Poster Competition.


The Chem-E-Car Safety Inspection ensures that all competing cars are compliant with the AIChE Chem-E-Car Competition Official Rules and Safety Rules. Each vehicle is inspected by at least one Safety Inspection Judge. The safety inspection is around 20 minutes long. All teams must bring a printed copy of their EDP, EDP supplement, EDP review, and any MOC forms.

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Performance Competition


Saturday, April 1st



10:30am – 12:45pm
Doors open at 8am


345 Pine Ave W
Montreal, QC H2W 1S4
Tomlinson Fieldhouse

Walking access via Pine Ave W

Doors open at 8am on Saturday, April 1st. Teams will gain access to their chemicals at 8:30am. The distance (15-30m) and team order announcement will occur at 8:30am and the first run will occur at 10:30am, giving 2hrs of prep time. After all teams have completed their first runs, there will be a 15 minute break, followed by the second round.


Teams have a maximum of 2 minutes to complete their run. The track will be 5m wide and vehicles must remain in-bounds at all times. Please consult the AIChE Chem-E-Car Competition Official Rules for more details.

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Prepare for Competition


Register your team for competition

Deadline: February 11, 2023


Submit your EDP & Supplement Document

(in PDF format)

Deadline: February 25, 2023


Complete the Chem-E Car Safety Training


Read the additional instructions

To be announced

Chem-E Car Safety Training

For Onsite Safety Judges

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